Secretly trying to get pregnant?

Chelle • Trying to figure it all out...
A friend of mine told me she got her birthcontrol removed without telling her hubby because she is ready for baby #2 and he isn't quite ready yet. 
She doesn't see anything wrong with her decision. She's just "fast forwarding a little" since they are married and planned on having more children anyways. 
Has anyone else gotten pregnant without telling you SO?
Was he mad or happy when he found out? Did you eventually tell him the truth? 
Does being married and already having children make a difference? 
Personally I could not / would not do that to my SO.  I imagine how deceived I would feel if he went ahead and made a big life change like buying a new house without consulting me! 
Please share your opinions!  
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as much as I want another baby i would never disrespect my husband by getting pregnant behind his back. that is wrong on too many levels to me


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That's reproductive coercion. It's one of the worst things someone can do to a partner.


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That is never a good idea. Relationships need trust, especially when kids are involved. 


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That is terrible! She's creating a huge life change without consulting her partner. This could create trust and communication issues. 


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I am really curious to here the point of view from the small percentage who said they have or would get pregnant without telling them!


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My husband and I seperated for a bit and his fling during that time lied about being on birth control the entire time , we got back together , she faked a pregnancy for 16 weeks (got busted totally) it nearly destroyed my children (11 and 8) so no , if you are taking it and telling him you are taking it you have ZERO right to breech his trust that you are taking it , if you do he should dump you or divorce you asap ! A real relationship means mutual respect , and you making a lifetime decision FOR someone is about as low as you can go . Disagree with me if you please but until you see the fall out first hand from this deception , don't do it unless you plan on being a single mother when and if he finds out that you did so 


JustJosie • Feb 1, 2015
i concur


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She's a terrible person 


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I stayed in bc just because of my dh, despite how bad I wanted another, I think it is deceptive and wrong. We are now ttc for number two going on six months.


Crystal • Feb 1, 2015
thank you


JustJosie • Feb 1, 2015
good luck and i agree. my husband and I are waiting because he isn't ready for number 2 yet


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People who do that have no respect for their partner and seriously need to seek counseling. That is like if a man poked a hole in a condom and then used it.

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I dont get involved in other people's marriages, but I certainly would not continue to keep company with someone who would so nonchalantly deceive the person who deserves her trust and honesty the most.