I feel like I'm psyching myself out...

Morgan • I have a son born on Dec '15, another son who was born Sept ‘17, and an angel baby born into heaven Nov '14. 💓
Okay so, being new to TTC, I'm constantly overanalyzing every single pain and muscle twing, so maybe someone will be able to help me make sense of everything.
I am currently 3dpo. I know that a fertilized egg does not implant until at least 5 dpo, but I swear I'm already having pregnancy symptoms (or early af symptoms). This morning when I used the restroom there was some white creamy cm on the toilet paper (hadn't seen that kind of cm since before my miscarriage in November) which I considered strange, and now my breasts are getting noticeably achy on the sides and they feel more full (noticed it just a little yesterday but dismissed it as my head playing tricks on me). My breasts usually get sore 1 week before af arrives but never 2 weeks before. I remember at the beginning of my last pregnancy (before I even got a positive test) my breasts were noticeably sore and I had started cramping. Well I have been cramping some, but I cramp during Ovulation so I figured it was just my body finishing the ovulation part of my cycle. 
I just don't know what to think. We have been TTC for just a couple months and we would love to be pregnant again, but I feel like I'm just psyching myself out. If anyone has any advice or any success stories about very early pregnancy symptoms please share!