Early mc in Jan now 1day late for af

Meagan • Mommy of four 💜
I lost my baby at 5 weeks in Jan and bleed like a regular period 6 days did have spotting for 2 days after. My dr told us we could start TTC right away. My regular cycles are 29days. I'm now on CD 30. I broke and tested last night and got a bfn. I'm nauseous, getting headaches and backaches. Was spotting for 3 days. Mostly brown and day before af there was some pink. Nothing today. I'm scared to test again. I don't want to get my hopes up in case af is just going to be late. Next Monday will be 5 weeks from the day my mc started. Maybe I should wait till then before testing again. Anyone gone thru this with helpful advice? My friend is telling me af is just late. Not real positive for me.