
Did anyone lose their family over this relationship? Or did they eventually come around? 
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Ive made it clear to everyone that my man is a part of my life. Literally none of my kin is fond, but theres a sort of truce with most of them where i dont being him up and they dont bitch about him. Since im 21 (hes 36), my family tends to blame him for the majority of my young person stupidity whether hes there or not. It leads to arguments. But we're getting kind of...okay. Believe it or not. Its starting tk get through to everyone that my doings are my own and hes not some horrible whatever they were thinking he was. 


Michelle • Mar 29, 2015
It sounds like your parents are acting like some families do when youre gay.


Michelle • Mar 29, 2015
Ugh yeah everyone thinks he just wants me for money & sex. Thats so not the case, he wont even let me buy him the littlest things & hes always doing things to make up for any money i do spend on him. And honestly it feels more like im trying to use him for sex if anything lol. Not really of course.


Allie • Mar 29, 2015
We do get married. Ugh


Posted at
I'm in the process of telling my dad about my relationship right now, and really hoping he'll accept me and not disown me over it.


Tilley • Mar 21, 2015
My dad is totally accepting! I will admit, I lied about my SO'S age by 5 years. he's 37, I said he was 32. my dad has bleeding on his brain and I didn't want to chance him having another stroke. in awhile I'll tell him his real age. he knows the truth about everything else! my dad wasn't very happy at first but he wasn't upset and didn't say anything. but the next day he was happy and asking questions about him! :) good luck!


Claudia • Mar 21, 2015
Good luck let me know how it goes! I'm in the same boat but I'm really scared of my dad's reaction


Posted at
They eventually came around. My parents were the problem but everyone else was good!


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Yeah we are two years into this and so far not too many family members are excepting.... 


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What relationship? Their current relationship?