Maybe TMI? Dry spot...

I have a dry/irritated skin patch.  It's not in or around my vagina, but a little closer to the front. It's up in a fold... So not on the very outside. I obviously can't see it because no one can bend that way! My husband says it looks like dry skin (like a little of the skin is dry and flakey). This is so embarrassing, but it's uncomfortable and I don't know what it could be. 
Is there any cream I could put on that area? Anyone else have this before? At first I thought the underwear I had on was rubbing against the spot funny. Maybe that could be the case, but it's uncomfortable, and it's been a few days.  It started out as a painful "rubbed raw" feeling, now it feels a little more itchy like it could be healing but still irritated. I notice it the most after I pee. I don't have any diseases, never had... Just looking for answers and relief.