My mom kicked me out of the house

I go to community college and i drive 30 mins to commute there. This is my second semester in college and I have two jobs an order to pay for college so I never really home that much. My mom been complaining to me and stressed me out about the fact that I'm never home or help her out around the house. But that's because I'm always at college studying since my major is engineering it's take extra effort to pass each courses and two jobs just a give away on it. I got really stressed everytime my mom yelled at me but there is nothing I can do and she doesn't seem to understand what I'm trying to do for myself. Today she just kicked me out the house because she got really mad at me for going to work. I don't understand why she doesn't see this as a good thing. I'm so stressed and depressed with school and now family. Please give me some advice