9 days late and bfn! Pcos....

Brittaney • Offically diagnosed with PCOS 1/2014.

Sorry for how long this is. I was officially diagnosed with PCOS last year but im sure I have always had it because ive always struggled with periods. Last time I actually committed myself to BCP I took it for a few months and once off I was pretty regulated. So I figured it should work the same? Took BCP for 8months-1year (cant fully remember) but my SO and I are wanting a baby something fierce... so 2 months ago I stopped taking it. I got my period on time but was pretty much spotting for 3 days vs my 5-7 day bleed. Ive beem tracking my CM and cervix position for the past 2 months and we BD quite a bit.

I am currently 9 days late and have had like dull achy cramps for almost 2 weeks now. I had almost a week like 2 weeks ago where there was not a point I couldnt sleep. I was asleep all day and even kept falling asleep at work!:(

I use energy diet supplements at work to keep me up(im on night shifts) and those lately havr just been making me feel queasy. Im nonstop hungry but when I eat its small amounts and holy hell ive been constipated! Swollen feet and ankles for almost 2 weeks too to where I cant wear my shoes half the time! 2 tests and both bfp, 1 of them gave me a sort of evap line I suppose cause I didnt notice color just gray line.

I contacted my gyno and they said to just start up on a new pack of bcp and if cramps persist make an appt. I have told them ample amount of times im ttc and they fail to listen!

I need some guidance PLEASE! What possibly could be causing this? If its really a bfn how can I push my drs to help me. We were ttc for 1 year before when I had irregular cycles with no luck and thus I felt I needed to regulate before trying again.

I have seen 3 Drs and all refuses metformin, refuses anything really..:/