Relationship Advice... HELP

My SO of almost 6 years and I have split up for almost 2 months now. 2 months ago we were planning a family and now we are nothing. My feelings for him have never changed and anything that he has done and said I can forgive. As far as I know he has never cheated and neither have I. He will text me and tell me he loves me and misses me sometimes. He will aplogize for everything he has done BUT when I ask him if he wants to try and work things out he tells me he doesn't know. I try to tell him that love is a feeling not a decision so it shouldn't be that hard. I deserve an answer. I want to be with him but he refuses to give me a straight answer. He told me he isn't making a decisions. To me this is crazy. I don't know what to do. I think about him everyday and I miss him. I don't know what to do. HELP