Child support rant...

My husband has a 15 year old daughter from a previous marriage. His ex-wife just put in for a higher amount of child support. I'm totally fine with that, it's his child, he is responsible for helping support her.

Here's where I get grumpy:

On the financial paperwork, it has a bunch of questions about MY income and my income will also be used to determine how much child support will be paid every month. What does what I make have to do with anything? (for the record, I make at least twice as much as my husband does monthly) I know this sounds terrible, but she's not my child and not my responsibility! I wasn't even old enough to HAVE kids when she was born (my husband is a few years older than me). We haven't had any kind of visitation with her in at least 10 years, although we're supposed to see her every other weekend and she lives 10 minutes away.

I'm just peeved that I have to take a hit for something that my husband did all those years ago. It's not my fault, I don't understand why I should be penalized. I know that makes me sound like a horrible person, but I'm mad about the situation. Am I overreacting or am I right to be upset?

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