Chance of late Ovulation

Tesharni • 20 • Warrnambool
Hello everyone I just have a question I would like to ask you all as I am a tad confused.. Me an my partner BD on my fertile days from what glow had suggested.. I was due for my period yesterday an it still has not arrived, usually I get cramps 3-5 days before my period shows and so far I haven't had a single one.. I took a pregnancy test a couple of days ago which came up negative, I had a little bit of browny red spotting about a week an a half ago if that.. Which has never happened before. I'm just wondering if there is any chance I may have ovulated later then expected and may still be pregnant but too early to tell.. I have a few symptoms.. 
Has this happened to anyone else before an what was your outcome? Also what do you all think of my situation?