Surgery 4 weeks pregnant

Hello all just want to share my experience and want to know if anyone has had a similar experience. I had a missicarrage 21 St February last month. Last week I found out I was pregnant again. I've had constant tenderness since February and had q scan on 15 th March but hadn't had th results . This monday my doctor admitted me into hospital. Had some bloods they came back HCG level was 4500 and I'm only 4 weeks pregnant. Which concerned them as the previous week it was 190! They did a scan that morning couldn't show on the scan but they could see internal bleeding. sign of ectopic they rushed me to threatre and I came round and they've confirmed pregnant is in the correct place has keyhole im in agony. Unsure if this baby will make it . Also found out I'm blood group which is negative. The hospital could of prevented all this.