
Ugh. Here we go again. I take test after test because I'm very impatient. I do cross fit and take a pre workout drink that specifically says do not drink if pregnant. That's the other reason I take so many. I am 28 and trying for our number 3! I am starting to bloat and cramp a bit. Those are usually signs for me to start my af. Although I am not supposed to start for another week I generally have symptoms be for instead of during. Anyway I just feel like maybe baby number 3 May not be in our cards. Our girls were very easy to conceive and once we wanted to try for our 2nd we were pregnant 3 months after stopping birth control. Now I have been off bc for about a year. We have been not preventing but not really trying until about 4 months ago. I know 4months dosnt seem long and probably makes some upset that have been trying for a while. Please no negative comments. I'm just very frustrated and a little sad. Thanks for reading!