In January earlier this year, I recieved my first bfp

Allie • 27 and married to the love of my life. Trying for baby #1!
In January earlier this year, I recieved my first bfp. My husband and Inwere thrilled! We found out while traveling in Europe while he was on business and visiting family and friends. Once we got back to the states I lost the pregnancy. We were so devastated. But we learned from my OB that miscarriages in the first trimester are so common. That 80% of all first pregnancys don't work out. And that actually 5 out of 6 embryos don't even make it past 8 weeks!! What!?? How have I never known that this is so common!? 
I always imagined once I'm pregnant, it's all rainbows and butterflies from there and its a sure thing! 
​Sure, complications are always possible but I had no idea that CP/miscarriages was more common than I ever imagined.  
​But a month later to our surprise we got another BFP!! At first we were cautious to become so excited. Which is kinda sad because you always imagine that moment to be so beautiful. But... now we know the statistics and know the chances. So sad to look at it that way but we wanted to protect our hearts. Although that became difficult for me because I knew down deep this one was a keeper.  And it didn't even really sink in until earlier this week when we had our first ultrasound and saw our little baby's heart beat :) 
I'm so overjoyed and cannot wait to announce this baby come the second trimester. 
 I'm anxious to get past the first trimester and sometimes fear creeps into the back of my mind but I have decided to stand firm in my faith and believe God is blessing me with a strong and flawless pregnancy and that I will bring a healthy beautiful baby to full term. :)