Saving leftover thawed milk.

Jess • They call me mom
Does anyone know if I thaw breast milk and she doesn't eat it all if I can keep it in the fridge and use it same day? Also, is there any reason you couldn't mix that milk with freshly pumped milk? 
I'm having the HARDEST time breast feeding. Everything from flat nipples, low supply, cracking and bleeding, clogged ducts, and a baby that's not gaining weight. Basically I have been forced to supplement with formula but I'm trying to beat the system and get my production up so I can give her a 2 oz bottle of expressed breast milk in addition to her feeding at the breast. I'm pumping very small increments but over time I have enough for a bottle. Some is frozen, some isn't, some times she finishes the bottle, other times there are leftovers that I can't bare to waste.