Feedings... Long post

Alicia • Married 8/10/13. Baby girl #1 arrived 5/2/15. Baby girl #2 arrived 10/26/17.
My LO came at 36.3w. She had to stay in the nursery to be monitored until our 3rd day in the hospital. She was on IV fluids then weaned and supplemented with formula. On day 3 we started to try breastfeeding and I had no milk. We continued to use formula and attempt at the breast. Last night was our first night home and it was rough trying to get her to the breast. My milk has finally come in and now she doesn't seem interested. This evening was especially hard because my boobs hurt, she wouldn't take, and was screaming. Needless to say I started bawling. I'm going to contact the lactation consultant but any words of advice? To me, she seems like a lazy eater...