4 days over due

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im 4days overdue too and have been booked to go into hospital nextweek on tuesday to get induced so im hoping and praying that my babyboy will come out real soon!!!


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I'm 4 days over due too! I go in tomorrow to have a cervical balloon inserted and will be induced Friday. Thankful she gave me as much time as possible as I had to put down my best friend today 💗💗💗. Good luck everyone! 


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I am 4 days overdue today aswell so ready for baby to come. Im trying for a VBAC got a consultant appointment today to discuss plan going forward wonder what she will say. Having no signs at the moment 😞


Amanda • May 7, 2015
Been to consultant and she tried a membrane sweep but couldnt do it. Due to this and baby back to back and reasons for previous csection I have been booked in for one tomorrow. I cried as disappointed I couldnt try labour but super excited to meet our little princess tomorrow 😃


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Also 4 days overdue today! Had a membrane sweep earlier and tonight got a bloody show. Hopefully something is getting started.