How often does your SO massage your back neck or feet? (Non-sexual massages)

Angel β€’ First time Mommy to a little boy! Due July 10, 2016! πŸ’™πŸ‘ΆπŸΌπŸ’™

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Posted at
Haha I was going to answer a different way, but lets just be real. Theres no such thing as a non sexual massage in this house..smh it starts out innocent im sure...never ever ends that way!


Posted at
Whenever I ask πŸ’πŸ½


πŸ’›-KateπŸ‘ΆπŸΆ β€’ May 24, 2015
Me too 😻


Jaz β€’ May 24, 2015
mine too :-D


EllieπŸ’Œ β€’ May 24, 2015
Mine too :)


Posted at
Massage is and always has been foreplay in my house haha ;-) x


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My SO rubs my feet, calves, legs, neck, everything. He even grabs the lotion out of no where and tells me to lay down! I guess I'm a lucky woman! 😍


Megan β€’ May 25, 2015
You are! :)


Posted at
Usually how I wake up every morning😍😍 mornings aren't my thing so it definitely helps.


Kristin β€’ May 24, 2015
Haha well it starts that way but usually ends up in sex


Angel β€’ May 24, 2015
I couldn't get up if I had a morning massage! Lol


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All the time I have constant back ache now He knows the difference between my back is sore and needs a rub and a he getting lucky one πŸ˜›


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My husband rubs my feet till I fall asleep every night. Our deal was I would wear sexy heels for him if he rubbed my feet at night--it's working out just fine.😜 


Angel β€’ May 24, 2015
Lucky lady!


Posted at
I get my feet rubbed (and I'm talking at least for a half hour) almost every night, and that's when HE asks to do it. I can get massages whenever I want, he is so big and strong πŸ’ͺ🏻


Angel β€’ May 24, 2015
Mmmm sounds like my guy!! Now that's the life! Lol


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Whenever (:


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When I ask him too... Sometimes 3 times a week sometimes once a month..