Should my hubby just get over it already? What do you ladies think?

Beth • ~~~♡♡Let`s Roll♡♡~~~

Okay ladies i've got a question for ya'll.

First though the cliffs notes version of the story.

My SO and I got married in 2013, it was a small wedding with only family. Everyone came except my so's one sister. She decided that a friends wedding was more important than her own brothers wedding. On a side note we went to ber wedding the year after...even though my husband didnt really want to...but took the high road.

My husband has not gotten over it. Every now and then he will bring it up and just get so sad. See no one ever said to her that what she did was wrong...he claims that she got no conseqeunces of her choice. He never confronted her with it...I think hes just way to hurt and angry that he may say things he will regret.

The question.....Should my husband just get over it once and for all...or does he have a right to be upset even after almost 2 years? I just want peoples opinions on this.

On a personal note she has never made me feel like part of the family. I try and reach out and I get nothing in return. Like my sister told me...honey Darryls sister is an a**hole...she didnt go to her only brothers wedding...who does that.