Baby fever

A :)
I'm heading on 31 yrs old And have baby fever like no other! For many years I wanted to wait as long as I could to have a baby. My childhood wasn't great, my mother wasn't great. Long story short she left us children when we were young for another man. My parents divorce was tumultuous. For the past 20 years I've struggled to have any relationship with her. She has no maternal instinct in her. I do not want to turn out to be anything like her. That being said as I got older I realized that just acknowledging this alone will make me a better mother. My boyfriend is 26 and obviously not that ready for kids. We've discussed our future many times and want all of the same things. He just tells me it will happen when we're ready. I just don't know how much longer I can wait before I go crazy. How do we come to a middle ground? 
I cannot take hormonal bc due to migraines. I have the paragard iud but it moved so the had to remove it. That hurt too bad to have another one put in. 
Please help me get through this. I can't talk to him about it anymore!!