Any advise (long)

I had my daughter in April of 2014.I had a c section.plz excuse my grammer I am going try to make this as short as I can OK before #1baby I was told I possibily have pcos and endometriosis neither was confirmed I used birth control to get my AF regular then stopef using it with regular AF coming every other month After my baby was born for about a year after I had regular monthly periods But then things went crazy. I started TTC again . but my periods either from hormonal or emotional stress have been irregular like every month and a half. I had a positive pregnancy test last cycle which turned out ....I don't really know but I'm not pregnant so evap line or whatever... When I had AF that cycle there were clots on my tampons and in the toilet. And I spotted for three days in between then and this cycles AF which I'm currently experiencing with very little blood which is bright red and lots of clots like every time I use the restroom which I keep having the urge to visit like the toilet more comfortable, unbearable craps and back pain . I'm asking for any advise I can do at home to try and get my body in better health to TTC and any insights to what might be happening with my body,I know I need to see a doctor but I have to have%$$% first .(learn more on Glow: