Would you be pissed??

Cake • It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
I was hanging out with a friend of mine the other night. He's been working on becoming a priest for the past few years (he's catholic). 
He was talking about his struggles with celibacy and how he's trying to remain good in Gods eyes ect. I didn't mind the talk. I enjoy hearing about people's faiths as long as they aren't attacking mine. 
Well the conversation segwayed in to H.P. Lovecraft writings (don't ask me how) and Cthulhu came up. I explained how Lovecraft made him up and was telling him a little bit about it. 
At that point, my friend said "and speaking of that, how's your WitchCraft thing going?" 
My first reaction was to be pissed that he went from a made up creature and compared that to my faith. But I just smiled and said it was going well. I dunno. Maybe I should have said something. But maybe he didn't mean anything by it? What would you have done??