The highlight of the year turned into another low light :(

I was supposed to be 11 weeks pregnant, was getting really excited as I was getting closer to my safe date, so I started to tell a few more people.. Now I wished I had of waited (definalty waiting longer next time it happens).. It was horrible, the whole experience :( as this was my first, I didn't know what to expect.. I started lightly bleeding on the Monday night, went straight to the hospital (I knew beforehand as the ultrasound didn't show show anything and dr said to head straight to hospital at the sight of blood), they sent me back home saying that they couldn't do anything till I blead more.. So I went home, ended up in excruciating pain and not being able to get of the loo.. I'm pretty sure that I lost around half litre to a litre of blood.. My partner was soo upset and worried knowing he couldn't do anything.. Ended up being able to get off (finally!) and headed straight for the hospital.. They took me in and observed me for ages before giving me some morphine.. I was still in soo much pain and still loosing heaps of blood.. Now I'm not an angry sort of person but I yelled at the dr to give me some morphine!! After being poked and prodded (my veins didn't want to be seen!) they finally were able to take blood tests and give me morphine.. A few hrs later they told me to go for an ultrasound to see what's going on, there was not a lot of liquid in my bladder even though I had been on a drop for ages before hand.. He said that it didn't look good.. So i got taken back to the emergency area where I was kept under observation again.. They then finally decided that I was bleeding way to much and had to go in for a curet.. Now this being my first time ever admitted into hospital I was petrified!! They did take great care of me and I was fine, till my partner had to leave, this was the next hardest bit, knowing that I had just lost our baby and having to be alone :( I cried soo much after he left the hospital.. I tossed and turned all night, in discomfort, in loneness, in sadness.. Finally the morning came and he was back, it certainly made my day being able to cuddle and kiss him.. The next few days at home were hard, in discomfort, pain here and there and emotional, very emotional.. We have had a bad run of things this year, and that was just the icing on the cake :( we are still very sad about it as it only happened last week, but I think that this (and everything else we have been through) has made us more stronger as a couple and we are more in love then we have been.. 
Just wanted to share my story..