Baby shower location?!? So confused

Misty • I have 5 boys. I’m over 40 and my S/O is 17 years younger than me. We are trying for his and our first child. We can`t wait to see what our DNA creates!!!
So this is my situation. The location I originally planned fell through. So I have been looking for a location. My fiancé's sister works at the Days inn and she can get me the meeting room for free to use for a couple of hours, per his mother. I haven't spoken with her yet but his mom tells me it's in the bag. He told me he would speak with her also. We are cool with each other so I know she will do it for me. NOW my mother has spoken to my grand mother and she said I could have it at her house. She will also cook so I don't have to worry about food. Only problem is parking for everyone. I have probably 30 +/- people coming. And the area she lives in parking is limited. I don't know what to do. My mom and his mom both want me to use their sources. What do you think? The shower date is June 20th. My sister is hosting. I can't get a hold of her the last couple of days because she works overnights to discuss this situation. Oh and his sister btw does everyone's shower in the family and I am afraid of asking her at the last minute will be awkward. That's why my fiancé volunteered to speak with her for me. Please help. 

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