Raelyn Avery born 10:35 pm at 6lbs 15 oz and 19

Raelyn Avery born 10:35 pm at 6lbs 15 oz and 19.25 inches. 
I started contractions around 4 am on Sunday. They were 10 minutes apart for 24 hours straight. I went into the hospital and they sent me home saying that I wasn't in labor! I was shocked. But there was nothing I could do, so I went home. I slept most of the morning and was lucky when my mother decided to come see me. She agreed to take me in to the doctor after I confessed that I couldn't stand the pain. Contractions were now about 6 minutes apart and extremely painful. After being on another monitor for an hour and the nurse telling me the monitor wasn't registering any of my contractions but she could clearly see that I was in pain they sent the doctor in to check me. I was 4 cm! Finally I was on my way to the hospital! Once I got there they checked me, and as the doctor is checking me a gush of fluid just goes everywhere! The doc says "the membranes have been ruptured a while, I had to move the baby's head. " so they get me upstairs, start me on pitocin and set me up on an epidural. Contractions become 2 minutes apart and I'm somewhat comfortable now. 
I feel like I'm ready to start pushing! The nurse says we can start but the doctor (the only doctor) was in the middle of another woman's c-section. After the first 3 pushes the nurse tells me to stop and then says "I'm so sorry, but you're gonna have to stop pushing, she's crowning already and the doctors not here yet!" I was heart broken and increasingly losing my patience! For 40 minutes I waited for the doctor. It hurt and I was ready to give up when he walked in the room. 1 contraction and 3 pushes and my sweet little girl was here! I was so tired and so relieved and so happy!