34 weeks and shooting pains in vagina during urination

Rachel • 25 years of age -- one angel baby (Emelia Rose) and my rainbow baby born 07/13/15 (Layla Marie). Baby boy due 03/03/2017
Okay, so I haven't experienced ANYTHING like this before since I'm a FTM, so allow me to explain what happened: As I was about to lay in bed I decided to use the restroom to empty my bladder so I didn't lay down just to get back up 10 minutes later. As I sat down on the toilet, my little girl started moving around like crazy. As I started to urinate, I started to get these shooting pains up my vagina like she was about to come out of me or something! It hurt so much...as soon as I got up the pain went away. My back has been achy lately, I've been nesting like crazy and I seem so exhausted by 8PM. I'm sure I don't have a UTI, I just had an appointment a couple days ago. This shooting pain is happening again as I'm laying here in bed. It's pretty intermittent though...