
My I guess now ex boyfriend who I was with for over two years have a 14 month old daughter together and another one on the way decided he was done with me over me not doing any "house work" mean while I do everything with our daughter  plus I cook the meals anyways I'm still living at the house ( it's only been two days since we broke up ) he says he done but he wants to talk and says he still loves me he just don't wanna make a fool of him self if he takes me back and end right back where we were with me no helping so the problem is I thought I was doing a lot around the house but he never talks to me or tells me when something bothers him and every time we fight it's always my fault which makes me feel extremely crappy he's been staying at my aunts house he's suppose to talk to me today and apparently is gonna come get me and take me up to my aunts to hang... I'm still hurt over anything as he hasn't wanted to talk since our fight I spent the last two days cleaning our house up and doing laundry haven't got much sleep can't eat bc I get sick . I don't know what else's to do to fix things with him I love him we have been best friends for 9 years now and have been threw a lot I don't wanna lose him anymore then I already have