Husband sending mixed signals about TTC vs TTA


My husband and I have been married for a year, he is 32, I am 27. We originally were going to TTC this April, but decided to wait 1-2 years to pay off some debt since we just built a house.

About 2 weeks ago we agreed that I would go off BC due to side effects (mostly no sex drive and migraines) but that I would use FAM/NFP to TTA pregnancy.

Twice this week I've explained to him how on certain days we need to be more careful, and he says "if it happens it happens" and we had sex. Today, which according to my BBT and CM I am more fertile, I was getting undressed, he came up to me and said "let's make a baby!! I told him he needs to be careful about joking about it, because I have some hard core baby fever, and I know he is worried about finances so he wants to wait. I just don't want to wind up in a situation where I get pregnant because he is telling me all of these things in the heat of the moment and then he freaks out. I am more than ready, and I know he is ready mentally just worries about finances.

I guess I just had to get that off my chest, can't really talk to any family or friends about our recent chances in BC without getting more pressure than we already get about when we are going to have a baby.