Maybe tweak please???

I am sure they are negative... Although both looked like a line was starting about 2 mins after taking them. Can someone tweak for me maybe? 

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Posted at
It's invalid if you took it apart. 


Amanda • Jul 17, 2015
I have this is just a Walmart .88 test taken apart.


Mindi (Melinda) • Jul 17, 2015
Have you never bought the test strips? They don't come in anything but a strip in a foil pouch.


Amanda • Jul 11, 2015
It's all actually.


Posted at
I just had the same result as the one on the right with the same brand (dghealth test) however I am only 2 days late and this particular test only registers pos. At hcg 50^, which I didn't know when I bought it. That being said we are both probably just below that 50 mark! *`¤♡¤*¤♡¤`*Baby dust for us!!


Posted at
Although there is a line there I would say this is an indent or evap. I only say this since the test line is far thinner than the control line. Try again in a few days. Best wishes:-)


Posted at
I think I see something on the second one. Good luck