TTC and misunderstood friends

Krystle • TTC a rainbow

The 3 friends I have I work with and currently we are on layoff. Other than a day in May I havent seen them. They said we were going to meet up tomoro but they just backed out. I was kinda hoping to see them because I havent told them about that I have to go see an OB by my doctors orders. I have been having issues getting pregnant, and having issues with my AF since I was 12. This is stressing me out, wondering what the OB might say. My doctor never mentioned me seeing an OB until just recently, she finally got my previous doctors records- and she compared it to my new records, my ultrasound, labs, and what I told her about my periods and family history. She said she wished the appointment was sooner but this was the soonest this OB was able to see me because he dont just practice in my area (only in my area twice a week).

Should I text my friends? Not once have they text me this summer until this past Monday when they asked for us all to get together for Saturday (that they then cancelled today).

Am I over thinking it? I never been really good about the friend scene- never understood most of it, never understood people.

Maybe I am just frustrated--- thoughts are welcome.