Stressed Plumb Out!!!

I just want to vent a bit today due to finding out that my husband's ex wife is trying to claim my husband abuses their two children (my step children). I've been with him for over a year, and the worst he has EVER done was ground them from video games for a day as a punishment for disrespecting their elders!!! I find it to be total B.S. about everything she has put in "her" new parenting plan, because I live with him and I see how much he loves his children. She is so narcissistic, it's sincerely starting to tick me off!!! Now, I'm worried so much for my husband, because his children and step son, my son and stepchildren, are both of mine and my husband's world. We base our lives around our kids, and I find it totally cruel and wrong how all of these lies are being told about him. I mean seriously, do these look like the faces of abused and neglected children..? Our children are our world, our life...Our everything. We take them fishing, swimming, camping, bike riding, to bouncy houses, throw birthday parties, take them hunting, silly dance with them through stores or at home, make up words, make up jokes, play games, watch movies, cuddle on the couch watching scary movies because my step daughter and I hide behind each other laughing about who gets in front of the other because we're too scared to look...we tuck them in every night...And tell them we love them all day long...I just miscarried for the second time and I'm scared I will never have a child again...My only blood child is my honest to God miracle baby due to them not believing I would had even carried him like I did to seven months...I feel like my husband's and my life is being ripped away from us...And the reasons why are complete B.S...