Rekindle a broken friendship or not?

Amanda • Proud Mother and Wife to my little family
I had a best friend from sixth grade til the last year of college. The problem was I was always the "side kick" and she had a habit of needing to one up everything I do, call all the shots, made fun of the guys I dated... If I was single and she wasn't she gave me crap for not having a man in my life - but reverse that and I was wasting my life not partying it up as a single girl.
We had a falling out about 5 years ago where it was the last straw. We had plans, which she cancelled at the last minute telling me she was "broke and not feeling well...just wanted to stay home." Which was fine... Except an hour later she posted a facebook status that she was out at the bars with her other friends. 
I was upset about being ditched, and mostly about lying about it and being obvious when caught! 
I waited a few days for an apology and when she finally reached out all she said was "stop being a baby."
So, we havent spoken since then.
For the past two years I've had bouts of wanting to reconnect...we both got married and it bums me out we weren't even speaking since growing up we were inseparable. But every time I think about reaching out I remember why we stopped talking to begin with, and realize she hasn't made an effort to reach out either. 
So...has anyone else had a similar situation? Should I suck it up and reach out or leave the past in the past?