Completely heart broken

*i wasn't sure where to put this so I'm sorry its probably not in the right group
It's almost 1am where I am and there is no chance of sleep for me. I am 8 weeks post partum and tonight as I was at home with our little girl, my SO took our dog to the dog park where my dog collapsed and died as he was playing with other dogs. Words can't even begin to describe how sad I am just like they can't describe how much I loved him. Before anyone says "it's just a dog" or anything of that sort I ask you to stop yourself. For just over two years before my daughter arrived he was my everything. He was my baby. My love for him did not change when she arrived. I am beside myself knowing he's not going to jump up on this bed with me tonight or that I won't be able to give him kisses and cuddles ever again. I don't even know why I am posting this. As everyone else in the house is sleeping I just feel so alone. If you took the time to read this all the way through I ask you to think a positive thought for my fur baby and hug your especially close tonight.
Rest in peace my beautiful happy boy.