Recently engaged

Hi ladies,
So I got engaged not even a week ago, and my fiancé has already changed. He expects me to give him sex now. He said I don't need Starbucks or anything since he bought me a ring. It was only ($179) a cheap one for now. Also now he has been really rude about everything being on his terms and doing stuff when he wants too. He's been pretending to hit me when I give him attitude. Idk he's just changed. 
We also lost our baby six weeks ago and I had surgery. So I decided to get help and go to counseling. Today he told me counseling is for weak people. And honestly that sent me over the edge. I'm just got a lost for words for him. Because now I really see how he looks at me. 
I'm questioning everything now. I feel like I don't deserve this. And I'm scared once we really get married he's going to really change 
We got into an argument on Monday. And he told me he hated me and I'm a bitch. And That fuc*ing stupid. 
Do I deserve this? I just don't get what I'm doing wrong