Moving sucks

I am moving halfway across the country in two weeks. It will be the fifth time in the last year that I've moved...for work. So stressful. I feel torn bc I'll be leaving my bf on the coast but also happy bc I can't afford to live here and I need to pay off debt and go back to school. My bf and I are going to try to make it work long distance, and I hope it works it out. But I feel a bit unsettled about it. But truly I need to take care of myself first. It feels a bit selfish but I really need to be stable on my own first before I can have a solid foundation for my relationship to build on. If he's the right guy it will all work out....right? 
I also have a huge tight knit family and have lived away from them for years will be nice to be able to have family dinners again and be home for the holidays, spend quality time. A chance to see what I really want...if I do want to live away from my family or not. My bf and I are from the same home town but he does not ever want to move home or leave the coast and can't bc of his career