7 month old sleep regression? (Long)

So, I'm posting anonymously just because im sure I'll get some type of backlash (constructive criticism however, is appreciated!). So, my 7 month old has never really slept the whole night through. He just likes to socialize (pediatricians words). He was however only briefly waking up once or twice and falling back asleep on his own. However, the past month he has been screaming all night unless I hold him (I know its a bad habit). I'm assuming it's sleep regression but I'm not completely sure. His sleep issues are not related to health or development issues. When I place him back in his crib, no matter how long I've been holding him, he screams. I've followed suggestions from his pediatrician but nothing seems to work. Any ideas for this first time mom? Should I try the cry it out method and go to him in 5 minute increments waiting longer periods each time? (5 min, 10 min, 15 ect). I'm trying to get him to maybe fall asleep on his own as well. But that's not working either. Any suggestions or advice is appreciated, however please keep any criticism to yourself unless it's constructive and will benefit my child.

-One Tired Stressed Mama