Getting scared!!

I am 37 weeks with my second child. With my son I was 15, I wasn't dilating so my dr induced me at 40w4d. I went in that afternoon & was hooked up to all the machines & was told I was already having small contractions. They started the meds and everything to get labor going. I ended up getting the epidural. & at 1235pm (the following day) I was ready to push. I pushed for 4 hours. My son came out not breathing due to getting stuck at the shoulders. He was 10.5 pounds! My dr told me if I would of went with my original plan & did not get the epidural that I wouldn't of made it. Well as the time gets closer to having my baby girl I'm freakinf out!! What do you ladies do to stay calm & relaxed? I'm much older this time & will probably only have my SO with me & im afraid he won't know how to handle it all on his own. With my son I had my mom, aunt, & oldest sister with me.