Sex drive

Hey everyone, I'm almost 24 years old and I went on the pill at 18. While on the pill my sex drive was literally nonexistent. I never wanted/initiated sex and when I would have sex I would have problems with lubrication which made sex less pleasurable and even painful at times. I asked my obgyn a couple years ago to switch me to something else and she told me no. I was so mad! I now have a new doctor and explained my situation to him and he suggested I try Mirena. I've had it since the middle of June and have noticed no change. My husband and I are so disappointed! It makes me nervous that I don't want sex and have problems with vaginal dryness at 23. I WANT to want my husband! Should I be noticing an increase in sex drive/lubrication or is it too soon? Should I give it a few more months? Has anyone else experienced these problems? Does anyone have any tips or advice? Thank you!