Progesterone to start period ?

So im on cycle day 52 now all negative tests this is the first time I have been late in more than year I have had 34/35 days cycles 
I had a miscarriage in March and im pretty sure I ovukated late when I got pregnant cuse my dates never matched up but I'm positive I miscarried cause of low progesterone since it was a 4 when tested ! I want to call the dr to get my period going again so we can try again ! She won't put me
On clomid since my husbands slightly low sperm count so we are on our own and doing several things to help ! But after all my gibbering I am curious to those that have used the progesterone to start your period was it a horrible period ? How long did it take to start after taking ? I just want me reg periods back so we can baby dance !! 