Dear life

Dear Life,

Why do you keep dangling things in front of me and my family and then take it away shortly later?

Why must I sit here, being depressed because nothing can go right for us, no matter how much we work for it....why??

What is your plan for us? Why did you have me have a miscarriage? Why did you take not one job but two jobs from me within two months? What did I do to deserve this? Why does my son have to go through a hard time with school, with other kids, with anything? He is a good a great boy... But why?

You make it so I feel like I cannot go on anymore, like I want to give up fighting. I don't see many reasons for fighting anymore... Why? When my husband has to work two jobs....why? When I have a miscarriage, but you make me watch my neighbor grow each day with a baby girl... Or watch my husbands cousin grow and is due 3 days before I would of been... Why?

The only reason I continue to fight every day... Is because every morning I wake up and see those beautiful brown eyes of my 8 year old, who looks up at me and says "I love you mommy"

Thanks life for at least getting 1 thing right...

