My little Eisley is here!!

Born 8/28/15 at 12:47pm 8lbs 7oz, 20.5in long. Woke up at 2am on 8/27 due to mild inconsistent contractions. Started counting consistent contractions around 5am. Went to L&D around 10am was told to go home around noon because even though my contractions were 3-5 mins apart, I was only dilated 1cm. They told me once I couldn't walk through a contraction then I should come back. Around 2pm I went back because I got to the point of not being able to walk. I was still only 1cm but they decided to keep me due to how strong my contractions were. Around 12-1 am I finally got an epidural and was dilated 6cm. The epidural worked for a while but started to wear off after a couple of hours. I felt an extreme burning sensation in my right thigh during each contraction. Finally around 9am the decided to redo my epidural and start me on pictocin because I was still stuck at 6cm. Starting pushing around noon and had her at 12:47pm.  All the nurses were amazed at how big she was and how huge her head was 14.5 ins. She's such a calm baby and latched on really well. I'm so happy to finally have her here!! Such beautiful red hair like her daddy 😍 Welcome to the world Eisley Louise Martinez! Mommy and daddy are smitten 💕