I really, really need a weight loss buddy

As I'm sitting here, holding the pair of jeans that I'm afraid the button will pop on if I dare sit in them, I contemplate why I can't seem to stick to a diet and exercise plan. I did it once before, and lost a lot of weight. Why can't I do it again, I ask myself. And that's when it hits me. All my attempts to repeat what I managed to do once before have failed, because I don't have somebody motivating me. When I lost the weight before, I was biking with my friend every day, eating meals with her, and she kept me motivated. I can't do it alone because I give up hope. I want to lose this weight and feel good about myself, and I need somebody to do it with me. Somebody who I can kik message or iMessage with to motivate each other. Anybody else in search of a person to drop the weight with?