Not my month 😢

Stacey • TTC #1 for 5 yrs. MFI & PCOS. Aug & Sept 2016 IUI — BFN ❌. IVF/ICSI•10/27 - 0 eggs. IVF#2 1/29 - Fresh transfer of two 5 day embryos. Expecting twin boys!! At 28w we found out Twin A no longer had a heartbeat 💔 Both boys born at 33w on 8/30/17. Maverick
A moment to vent... So this will not be my month. The DH and I made a plan. I was very diligent with consistent BBT and OPKs. We decided that since we only have 2 months left before medical intervention that we would BD every other day during FW and every day during peak and 2 days after at a minimum. I feel so sabotaged (if that's the right word). I would use the Preseed to anticipate DH arrival home and then he would brush me off. I would wake up before his alarm, Preseed and then plan to wake him up with a surprise morning romp. He would get up while I was doing Preseed and say he heard me so he just got up (he doesn't hear anything ever!!) When I confronted him about not BDing he said we have all day and month. Uh hello. If that was the case why are we not pregnant yet? So to end this long rant... FW has come and gone (today is 2nd peak OPK day) and we had one BD 4 days ago.  I'm starting to think that he just says he wants a baby and agrees, but maybe he isn't being truthful all of a sudden.  Anyone have any suggestions or similar situations? Oh and btw next week while in the TWW he will not be able to stop himself from wanting to BD. So irritated and angry.