
So every year I go all out for everyones birthday (mom, dad, brother,husband) from a cookout or a nice home cooked meal and a gift (nothing cheap either- watch, phone, MK purse,four wheeler). Well every year I feel like Im forgotten about, this year my birthday did not fall on a weekend but I still planned a cookout at our house because during the weekday it's impossible to get everyone together for a dinner- everyone came but it felt like just another cookout no "Happy Birthday", no gift (Id be happy with a birthday card just saying "Happy Birthday") NOTHING. Well my parents bring up a conversation how their financially struggling and I am aware of that since I have given them $ over the last few months but again, I dont expect anything big.....I tried to brush it off thinking Im being selfish blah blah blah... Well we dropped by on our way home this afternoon and what-do-you-know they went SHOPPING for a HOME PROJECT (cost $180)and CLOTHES(cost$~100 but not for this year but next-because it was on "sale"). So, sure Im upset and crying and mind you the hubs didnt get me anything ( no card- nothing). So were getting ready for bed and my husband thinks I am overreacting and being selfish and its just another birthday...