Thinking divorce

I've been married for nearly 5 years and my husband used/contacted sex escorts for the past 4 years.. I strongly believe his addiction to sex escorts is the reason we are left without home and broke. We had to result to me moving back with our parents. Me at my moms with our 4 children and him with his grandma. 
I had been unhappy in marriage for some time since learning about his first affair. But I stayed bc I thought we could make it work. But nothing change. I found more escorts and the money never added up. But yet I stayed again. 
The reason I want to divorce because I feel like I got married for all the wrong reasons. Before we married, I had second thoughts. It was so bad I wasn't eating nor sleeping. Something just didn't feel right. I felt like we rushed into things after reuniting. Yes I said reunited. My husband is my high school sweetheart. But we parted ways during my senior year. He went to jail and I went off to college. So we were separated for about 8 years before he found through Facebook. 
I'm totally unhappy and don't see any growth with him. 
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated 
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