Need advice please

MaryBeth • part-time Bartender/ Mommy to 2 kids!
My husband is leaving for Marine Corps basic in 2 1/2 weeks. I was just told that at the factory I work at, as a temp, I won't get hired in as soon as I was originally told. Now I'm freaking out over bills and don't want to be evicted from our rental home while he is gone. I can't keep my 2nd job while he is gone and I'm losing his income. We have 2 little ones, one in diapers still. Is there any help with rent or other bills for military families for short term? I already tried talking to the food stamps place and they said I wouldn't qualify cuz I make too much with my factory job. My bind is if I pay all my bills, gas and diapers & wipes I won't have enough for food for the whole month to feed my kids. Idk how to get help with something. WIC can offer a small food relief for my kids but idk if that will get them by for months. Any ideas ladies? I live in Indiana and my husband will be out in Cali before going to Texas for his schooling. Thanks in advance