HELP! Periods after off Deposit shot

Stephanie • Mother to a beautiful toddler and loving every second of it. Wife to an amazing husband
Hey guys! I stopped taking the Depo shot in March, and I've been having irregular periods and spotting ever since. Two weeks ago I had a light period for about 5 days and my breast became incredibly sore and heavy after I stopped bleeding. I became bloated and nauseous. I have a two year old daughter and swear I was pregnant but tested negative three times. Now I am bleeding again intensely, so bad I'm ruining pAnts and debating even staying away from going into public.. My breasts aren't as sore as before but I still feel a bit bloated and the bleeding is so incredibly heavy that I have become concerned. I only just moved into this state and just got insurance but have no doctor yet. What do you all think? Could I have been pregnant and lost early? Or is this due to stress? I've never bled so much during a period before. I was on Depo for a year before I stopped and hasn't had any periods. Plus all the blood is new blood, bright red. No brown as if it were old blood, but instead it's all new blood.