Embarrassing TMI questions about bowel movements

Is this normal? As my due date approaches, I'm having more frequent, softer BMs. I can't seem to get myself completely clean afterwords. Gross. It's to the point I'm using a roll of toilet paper a day. I'm showering 2x/day and that doesn't seem to make much of a difference. I've bought flushable wipes, not much luck there either. Throughout the day, even when I just have to pee, I'm wiping my behind and there's always BM on the toilet paper. I feel gross and dirty! I imagine some of this is caused by all the added pressure in that area? My poor bottom is getting sore with all of the wiping I'm doing :( Tonight I put some baby powder on and that just made my bottom sting! I don't have hemorrhoids and there's nothing else unusual going on. Help! Anyone else experiencing this?!