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⚪Hula👶👶👶 • left glow for a break. I may come back as some point but for now its taking too much of my time

2 Kings 14:6 I find this one very interesting considering that it's old testament.

"But he did not put the sons of the murderers to death, in harmony with Jehovah's commandment written in the book of Moses law: "Fathers should not be put to death for their sons, and sons should not be put to death for their fathers; but each one should be put to death for his own sin."

This was when king Amaziah was going after those responsible for the death of his father king Jehoash.

Edit add: yes this is from the NWT that Jehovah's Witnesses began using instead of KJV. But the scriptures are the same just the wording is modern English. And of course restoration of YHWH - translation to English is Jehovah.