Gluten and fertility


While I was in my last semester of grad school I took a drug and addiction class where we had to give up something we loved for 9 weeks. I chose to give up gluten knowing I would have to give up cake, cookies, beer, ect. I did it mostly as a challenge and to help focus my diet on healthier foods. I started my gf diet around the first week of April (2014) and i was very strict with it. On June 10th I found out I was pregnant.

I found it odd that I had coincieved having had been off birth control almost 2 years and never having anything happen before then. I knew the only real change had been going gf so I began looking into it. There is some evidence that going gf can make you more fertile.

So, long story short, I graduated and began eating gluten again not thinking anything of it. I began spotting at about 6 and a half weeks. I eventually miscarried at 9 weeks.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Could it be that I miscarried because I began eating gluten again?

I'm trying to go gluten free again so I can hopefully have my rainbow baby! It's just difficult to maintain a gf diet sometimes, so I feel I need more reassurance that this is what I really need to do.