Sick of the sickness.

Olive 🦋 • Wife, writer, stay at home mommy to Luna Violet and Kodiak Sage 🌑🐻
This first trimester is KILLING me. I don't feel like my old self anymore, I'm always bloated and CONSTANTLY nauseous. I'm tired all the time but can't sleep. I hate food right now. Hate it. I don't even have any cravings, I just hate any food I look at. And I swear if I have to eat another damn saltine cracker, I'm going to lose it. I can't enjoy my husband, I don't want to have sex ever, I'm gassy and covered in zits on my chest and back, I just want a steaming hot bath that turns my body red, and I really want to eat again. 😭 Its all going to be worth it, and I do feel blessed and so in love with my baby, but my oh my, I am DYING over here with every symptom in the book. All I want is a green apple Smirnoff 😭 Sorry, just needed to rant for a minute. Lol. First trimester SUCKS.